Supercharge Your

Research with AI

Summarize, process and organize your research with Aginsi, your all-in-one research co-pilot.

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See Aginsi in action on this demo video

Trusted by researchers from

Imperial College LondonLondon Business SchoolRoyal College of ArtUAL

Let's say you are researching the

Uncertain Future ofBananasBanana

and you are asking questions like

Use Case Connectors
Academic Icon

An Academic

What is the likelihood of Panama disease (TR4) wiping 99% of bananas? ¹

Consultant Icon

A Consultant

Should I explore TR4 resistant bananas or short the Chiquita stock?

Journalist Icon

A Journalist

What is the impact of Panama disease on Colombian banana farmers?

Section Connector

you would likely use

Many different tools

with complex workflows

ToolsSection Connector

but with Aginsi you have a beautiful

All-in-one research tool

creating an effortless workflow, powered by AI


Save & read everything in one app


Summarise & process with AI


Manage & organise with AI tags

Section Connector

so from today, you can

Start your research with Aginsi

and end in your favourite editor


Processing & Organisation


MS Office (or Notion, Docs, etc)

Synthesis & Analysis

Word and alternatives

Bananas aside, what about privacy?

We hold your privacy in the highest regard, pertaining both to the data collected by the extension and the confidentiality of your generated research. Utilizing industry-standard encryption, we ensure the utmost protection of your data. We will never sell or share any of your personal information with third parties. We abstain from tracking or storing any of your browsing activity. Our apps are fully GDPR compliant and CCPA ready. Read more about our privacy practices
